Иногда большая цель требует небольших уступок
На Гран-при Австралии мы уступили своё рекламное место на болидах McLaren Formula 1 выдающейся некоммерческой организации DeadlyScience.
А теперь мы делаем это снова на этапе Гран-при США в Остине.
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Благотворительность, набирающая обороты
На Гран-при Австралии на автомобилях "Формулы-1" появилась реклама DeadlyScience — это первый в истории пример размещения на болидах рекламы организации, основанной представителем коренного народа.
Meet Sponsor X: DeadlyScience
DeadlyScience provides science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) resources, mentoring and learning opportunities to remote schools in Australia. They’ve provided more than 25,000 culturally appropriate books focused on STEM to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students since being founded by Corey Tutt.
“When we exclude people from STEM and science, we’re excluding ourselves from what is possible.”
— Corey Tutt, CEO and Founder, DeadlyScience
Meet Corey Tutt
As a proud Kamilaroi man, Corey Tutt’s driving motivation has always been “You can’t be what you can’t see.” And when he realized many remote schools across Australia didn’t have STEM programs or books, he picked up a second job. He bought boxes of books himself and shipped them to schools that would otherwise have none.
Corey’s passion
Corey’s passion started from a single book, so he knows just how powerful they can be. He grew up catching snakes and lizards and knew every page front to back of "Australian Reptiles in Colour." His lifelong passion shines through his work with DeadlyScience. In 2021, Corey published his book "The First Scientists: Deadly Inventions and Innovation From Australia's First Peoples."
Australia’s first scientists
It’s important to Corey that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids see that they come from generations of the first scientists of their country; that their ancestors were superheroes who managed the land. It’s his hope that with access to resources and the right tools, they’ll see they can be who they aspire to become.
Awards and Recognition
Corey’s devotion to Indigenous education has been recognized through various awards, including CSIRO Indigenous STEM Champion 2019, ABC Trailblazer 2019 and 2021 Eureka Prize for STEM Inclusion Winner. Corey was also named a human rights hero by the Australian human right commission in 2020, and in 2022 was recognized with a Medal of the Order of Australia for service to Indigenous STEM education.
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DeadlyScience использует Smartsheet
Организация DeadlyScience использует платформу Smartsheet для управления проектами в области благотворительности.
Подробнее о SmartsheetКомпания McLaren использует платформу Smartsheet, чтобы трансформировать свои рабочие процессы
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